Dosing Controls
Manual, Semi-Automated & Fully-Automated Solutions
Looking for a reliable way to ensure nutrients, fluids, chemicals, and more are being dispensed at the appropriate quantities and at the appropriate times? Without spending the time, energy, and labor of performing the same monotonous task every day to ensure quality? Craft Automation can create unique automation controls, no matter how big or small your operation is, that can help you cut back the time and labor you're investing when tending and maintaining a product that requires precision and attention. With the unlimited capabilities of automation solutions, you can literally "set it and forget it" for autonomous control with the assurance that your real-time practices are being overseen by a stable and predictable automation system.
Scheduled Monitoring and Dosing of Solutions, Nutrients, Chemicals and More
Control and Regulation of Dosing Levels and Measurements
User Set Parameters for Dosing Levels and Supplies
Automated Control and Monitoring of Single or Multiple Dosing Inputs and Configurations
Sensor Integration and Configuration for Multiple Dosing Configurations and Settings
Pump and Motor Control and Monitoring
Fault and Alarm Setpoints and Notifications
Graphical Trending Data Logging